Sunday, December 29, 2019
Export Sophistication, Diversification And Product Space...
Abstract By assessing the export sophistication, diversification and product space evolution, we discuss the reasons behind thirty years’ growth miracle of Chinese economy and causes of recent slowdown. Disaggregated export data dating back to 1985 is utilized to analyse the characteristics of China’s export basket especially its sophistication level and diversification degree. And China’s development path as constantly extending into production of new and more complex commodities is discussed. From the perspective of product space, the following progress route is identified. It firstly diversified from primary goods to manufactured articles, and then to electronics clusters as technology improved and capabilities accumulated. Currently,†¦show more content†¦After thirty years of development, China has transferred itself into a major world economy player. Nevertheless, formidable growth since transition to market economy does not necessarily eliminate the risks of serious problems ranging from regional development imbalance to unequal income distribution. Specifically, Per capita income of wealthier provinces like Beijing and Shanghai is more than triple that of less developed provinces like Gansu . Besides, China’s GINI ratio reaches 0.47 in 2014 (National Bureau of Statistics of China), which is above the critical value revealing its relatively higher income distribution inequality level. Export-led growth pattern has enhanced China’s integration with world economy while it also makes China more vulnerable to external shocks with nearly a quarter of GDP coming from exports . Given these challenges, will China continue to grow at such speed? Felipe et al (2013) estimated that it was unlikely for China to continue registering high growth rate any longer since its past thirty years’ development has created wonders but also inefficiencies and imbalances. We have witnessed China’s inevitable deceleration in recent years with annual GDP growth rate declining for five years in a row, which fell to 7.35% in 2014. According to several growth projections, China’s average annual growth rate
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Strategic Evolution Of Your Company - 1732 Words
1. Give a short account of the history of the company, and trace the evolution of its strategy. Try to determine whether the strategic evolution of your company is the product of intended strategies, emergent strategies, or a combo. Starbucks was created in 1971 when Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegel, and Gordon Bowher decided to open the first store in Seattle. The trio opened the first store in Pikes Place, which was a popular market area in Seattle. In the beginning the customers were encouraged to learn how to grind beans and make their own freshly brewed coffee at home. At that time, the store did not offer fresh-brewed coffee sold by the cup like today, they sold beans and coffee accessories. Starbucks’ name was actually adopted from the name of the first mate in Moby Dick. Currently, the company is considered the leader in the coffee retail business and widely known for its quality coffee and stylish atmosphere. The organization presently employs nearly 200,000 employees in over 17,000 Starbucks branded cafes ( The company strategy can be considered a combo strategy, as mentioned the company started in the coffee business by selling coffee products, which at the time, seemed to work well and was the right approach to penetrate the market. However, after a few years and the sale of the company to Howard Schultz, it became more of an emergent strategy. Schultz took over and started implementing his ideas in the business in an effort to propel theShow MoreRelatedStrategic Management and Pestle Analysis1710 Words  | 7 PagesHow liberalization in Economic Reforms has smoothened the path for them? 3 . Trusting your organization to grow and develop in a haphazard fashion is taking a large chance on the future. This is the fundamental reason for doing strategic planning. Discuss the role of SWOT analysis in strategic planning. 4 . 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Industrial Communication Technology and Communities †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Industrial Communication Technology and Communities. Answer: Introduction: The marginalized individuals who have been left out of the timeline and predominately the western history of communication technologies, encounters serious barriers especially education as well as the socioeconomic development (Bloom, Garicano, Sadun and Van Reenen, 2014). Moreover, the communication technologies is appropriate even though there remain concerns over the economic priorities. The aspect of globalization has created new identities. This has gone beyond the boundaries of the communities and thus, these marginalized individuals have been left out since they cannot make use of the new communication networks as well as the information flow in order to express their concerns, their common interests, social change and action for the collective rights (Zurawski, 2014). The marginalized individuals exist in the isolation from the wider contexts when it comes to the social, political as well as the economic forces and the unequal power structures which acts as the barriers to th eir social change (Zurawski, 2014). This post a constraint which should be looked at. The communication technologies can never substitute the structural changes but it acts as an opportunity through the information source provided. References Bloom, N., Garicano, L., Sadun, R. and Van Reenen, J., 2014. The distinct effects of information technology and communication technology on firm organization. Management Science, 60(12), pp.2859-2885. Zurawski, R. ed., 2014. Industrial communication technology handbook. CRC Press.
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